Frequently Asked Questions
Do not hesitate to contact us to answer any questions you might have.
Or, you can navigate through our most frequently asked questions.
Will Ratestrip increase my direct bookings?
Based on statistics, Ratestrip can increase your direct bookings by up to 54%. Of course, this percentage also depends on other factors such as your prices, minimum stays, or any offers you may have. What is certain is that through Ratestrip the visitor can see all the necessary information they need in order to make their reservation.
Do I need to have a channel manager to use Ratestrip?
No, it is not necessary. Ratestrip can work perfectly well for your accommodation whether you have a channel manager or not.
I have more than one hotel. Can I use Ratestrip?
Yes, you can. We create a Multi property Ratestrip so that visitors can see all the hotels and after choosing which one they are interested in, compare all available online prices as well as see all the other information about this hotel.
Does Ratestrip appear on mobile?
Of course! The Ratestrip application is compatible with all devices (desktop, tablet & mobile) and is responsive for each device to highlight your website and your prices in the best way.
Can Ratestrip integrate with all websites?
Yes! Ratestrip can be integrated into any website, regardless of its structure and whether it is custom or not. And of course every time a new Ratestrip is activated our technical department conducts all the necessary controls to make sure everything is working properly.
Can I have a trial period?
Yes. You can have a 15 day trial period to see the features and abilities of the tool live on your website.
What if the price on a channel is lower than the Official?
There is an option to automatically hide the prices on other channels when they are lower than your official price so that your visitors always see that you are the most inexpensive option.
What is price tracking?
Price tracking is a smart feature that informs your visitors that your price has dropped. Visitors select the dates that interest them, enter their email and receive an update, if the price decreases. At the same time you get visitors’ email so that you can use it in your next email campaign.
Is Ratestrip connected to my offers?
Of course! Through Ratestrip we can connect the offers that exist in the booking engine so that they appear on your website for your visitors to see directly.
Can I create notifications with Ratestrip?
Yes, you can. Through Ratestrip you can create various notifications to promote the benefits or services you offer. They are fully editable as you can make the graphics exactly as you wish.
Can I create Pop Ups with Ratestrip?
Yes! You can create Pop Ups that will appear as soon as a visitor enters your website. You can make them more personal by choosing which visitors see them.
Can I get notified for possible Disparities?
Yes. It is possible to receive an email notification whenever for some reason the prices on the other channels are lower than your official price.
Is Ratestrip integrated to Chat?
Yes. Ratestrip can be connected to an easy-to-use Chat so that you can quickly communicate with your visitors. It works in two ways, either Live chat (messaging in real time) or MessengerChabot (connection to Facebook Messenger) so you can select which one works for you.
What kind of statistics can I see?
By activating Ratestrip on your website you have access to the Hotel Manger platform, where you can see useful statistics for the tool and for your website. You can see statistics on bookings made through Ratestrip, your page traffic, your audience by country and much more.
Can I choose which comments will appear on Ratestrip?
Yes. Through the settings we select the channels from which we want ratings and comments to appear on Ratestrip. For even greater control we can set the comments we want to be hidden or set a minimum rating so that only comments over this rating appear.
Can Facebook be connected to Ratestrip?
Yes, it can be connected. We can link to any external link you wish such as Facebook, Instagram, a rent-a-car service or restaurant you may work with or anything else you wish.
In which languages can Ratestrip appear?
Ratestrip is translated and can be displayed in any language version included in your website.
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Ratestrip Price Check Widget & Hotel Manager Platform
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